SC hang gliders rescued after crashing into trees

GREENVILLE COUNTY, S.C. – Rescue teams were called to a golf course in Greenville County to help some hang gliders who got stuck.

It happened around 2:30 Sunday afternoon at The Cliffs Golf Course near the 13th hole off Fire Pink Way near Glassy Mountain.

The Glassy Mountain Fire Department says a sudden wind pattern change may have caused it.

One hang glider got stuck in a tree further up the mountain. Emergency responders tell us a special rescue team had to be called in to help him down because of the complexity of the rescue and area of the mountain.

The second hang glider told us he landed softly in some trees and was able to get down.

By 5:30pm, both hang gliders were on the ground and okay.

One of them told us, they train for this type of thing.

“A lot of the training we get is for if you’re not going to make the landing field and there’s just nothing but trees in front of you, sea of trees, just how do you float into them,” said one of the hang gliders, Richard Schnedl.

He tells us both of them walked away with no injures.