Robeson Co. high school student detained for having loaded gun on campus

PEMBROKE, NC (WBTW) – A high school student has been detained after police found a loaded gun at the school, according to the principal.

Robeson County Sheriff’s deputies removed the student from Purnell Swett High School in Maxton on Tuesday, according to a letter sent to parents from Principal Clyde Leviner. “The school was not forced to go on lockdown because administrators and law enforcement were able to secure the weapon immediately,” Leviner wrote.

Administrators received a tip from another student about the loaded gun. The student was found immediately and school resource officers were involved until the sheriff’s office arrived. The student is facing charges.

“In addition to criminal charges for having a weapon on campus, the school will adhere to all relevant laws, policies and general statutes,” Leviner said in his letter. “We want to remind all of our students that if they see something, they should say something immediately to an adult at school or at home.”

Leviner encouraged parents to talk with their children about the situation and about how it is never okay to bring a weapon on campus. And, if weapons are kept at home to ensure children do not have access.