Red Apple passes available for Darlington County residents

DARLINGTON, SC – Darlington County residents wishing to participate in the Darlington County School District’s Red Apple Pass program now have three extra opportunities to register.  Eligible individuals may always register at the school district’s administration building, located at 120 E. Smith Ave. in Darlington.

This year, Red Apple Pass registration events will also be held from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Lamar Library on Oct. 3, the Hartsville Library on Oct. 4, and the Society Hill Library on Oct. 5.  The program allows any Red Apple Pass cardholder to attend school-sponsored athletic, music, dramatic and/or band event held in Darlington County free of charge, except sports playoffs and championships. All district schools honor the Red Apple Pass cards at school-sponsored events. To use the pass, pass holders must show a picture ID along with the Red Apple Pass at the gate or ticket office. They may also be asked to sign-in at that time. To be eligible, a person must be both a resident of Darlington County and at least 60 years of age or certified disabled.

To apply, residents should bring a picture ID and/or proof of disability to the district office, located at 120 E. Smith Ave. in Darlington, or to any of the three libraries previously mentioned on the appropriate dates. Passes are issued throughout the year in the district office. For additional information, please call the Office of Communications at 843-398-2284.