Rally to remove Confederate Flag Tuesday at SC Statehouse

COLUMBIA, SC – South Carolina leaders will rally on the north steps of the Statehouse at 1100 Gervais Street in Columbia, South Carolina, on Tuesday at 11 a.m. to make sure that the General Assembly will vote and agree to the removal of the Confederate Flag from the statehouse grounds.

Governor Nikki Haley, Senator Lindsey Graham, Senator Tim Scott, Congressman Jim Clyburn, Mayor Joe Riley, Mayor Keith Summey and dozens of lawmakers and concerned citizens have expressed their support for this event. Please share with your county, town and constituents.

Here are the details.

What: Rally to Remove the Confederate Flag

Where: State House, North Steps, Columbia, SC

When: Tuesday, June 23rd – 11AM

Who: Elected Leaders, Clergy, and Community Leaders from Across South Carolina