Racepath community drug stings lead to 60 arrests

MYRTLE BEACH, SC (WBTW) – Two drug stings in the Racepath community of Myrtle Beach landed more than 60 people in jail, according to Horry County police.

Horry County Police Department spokesperson Krystal Dotson says officers conducted two operations over the past two weeks in the Racepath area targeting street-level drug sales. Dotson says officers arrested more than 60 people on charges ranging from narcotics distribution, attempt to possess and wanted person arrests.

The following arrests were made on the respective dates, report Dotson.

Thursday, May 3 

Attempt to possess:

Maxwell McKinnon, Rodericka Bellamy, Khadijah Soles, Brenda Michaels, Christy Wilmoth, Daniel Watts, Curtis Sparkman, Charlie Grice, Michael Costello, Anthony Bang, Patrick McElwain Jr., Heather Shannon, Zachariah Benedict, Roxxanne Dickerson, Haley Fleisch, Robert McLaughlin, Austin Howell, Katelyn Atkins, Miguel Cruze, Tulio Machaeo, Joel Johnson, Kim Johnson, Matthew MacLellan, Eric Weinshenker, Rocky Session, Keith Elliott

Simple Possession of Marijuana:

Keith Elliott, Autumn Smalls, Shaquille Gore

PWID Crack

Gerald McCray


Travis Deavar (Burglary 1st, Assault & Battery High & Aggravated Nature) Micah Vereen (Failure to Appear) Raahkeem Young (Domestic Violence 2nd, Failure to Appear)

Friday, May 11

Attempt to Possess:

Kevin Tanfield, Derek Spontak, Katherine Spontak, Jermaine Ransom, Edward Pokorny, Lavitra French, Yermin Castro, Steven Gonzalez, Scott Wright, Scott Latour, Kimberly Hylton, Carly Kneuer, Christy Wilmoth, Allec Hall, Brian Fillers, Jack Seymour, James Cochran III, Donald Elmore, Michael Kubaci, Sharon Sherman, Frank Montes, Charles Holley, Sean Peters, Ashlin Monteforte, William McGarry, Robert Augustine, James Wenneston, James Wice, Steven Prideaux, Thomas Gordon, Johnnie Brown, Joshua Kuhl

Additional Arrests:

Shariff Bellamy – Distribution Crack Cocaine, Possession Scheduled II Narcotic Nizon Siheeim Simmons – Simple Possession of Marijuana, Possession of a Stolen Pistol, Possession Crack Cocaine

No SC Driver’s License

Gary Lynn McCoy