President’s Day marks busy day for taxpayers

WEST SPRINGFIELD, Mass. – President’s Day is on Monday, which marks a busy time for the Internal Revenue Service.

The Internal Revenue Service is urging taxpayers to go online for questions, before calling their toll-free line.

Around President’s Day, marks the busiest time of the year for tax calls. Donna Anderson from West Springfield told 22News, when she called, her representative wasn’t helpful.

“The girl was kinda dumb founded and she wasn’t sure what I needed to do, so I just had to look elsewhere for that answer,” said Anderson.

A new law called the Path Act is designed to crack down on fraud and identity theft. It’s also leading to an increase of callers wondering where their tax refunds are.

22News went to West Springfield to speak with Ray Maagero of Liberty Tax, about what makes this time of the year, such a busy time for the IRS.

“Yeah, they’re particularly busy this time of the year, because of the Path Act, so those people who had their refunds delayed, those refunds are now going to start to be issued now. So people are going to be excited to get their refunds and want to know what is going on,” said Maagero.

It will particularly impact taxpayers who qualify for the earned income tax credit, which is a tax credit that can increase the size of your refund.

Starting Monday, the IRS will staff its toll-free line with from 7AM until  7PM.