Popular weed killer now possibly linked to cancer

GREENVILLE, NC – Some are becoming more concerned about the possible health impacts Roundup could have on humans.

A 2015 decision by the World Health Organization said that one of the main ingredients in Roundup, glyphosate, is “probably carcinogenic to humans” citing “limited evidence.”

That ruling has California officials now looking at listing glyphosate as a chemical known to cause cancer.

Monsanto, the maker of the popular week killer, has in turned sued California, rejecting that their product poses any health risk. They called the proposal “flawed and baseless” and a violation of the constitution.

Some experts agree with Monsanto in that the chemical shouldn’t have a health impact on humans.

“Glyphosate is very toxic to any plant but it’s practically non-toxic to anything that’s not a plant,” said Cornell University professor Jeffery Scott.

Last year, Monsanto reported $3.5 billion in global sales of crop control products.