CHARLESTON, SC (WCBD) – The Charleston Fire Department is holding a memorial for the 10th anniversary of the loss of nine Charleston Firefighters.
2017 Remembrance Ceremony:
The Charleston Fire Department will commemorate the 10-year anniversary of the loss of 9 Charleston Firefighters at 7:00 PM on Sunday, June 18th, 2017. The ceremony will be conducted at the Charleston 9 Memorial Park, 1807 Savannah Highway. Members of the fire service and our community are welcome to attend.
Standing Watch:
- Charleston Fire Department personnel will initiate a watch at the flagpole of the memorial park starting at midnight and continuing for the 24 hours of June 18th.
- Uniformed personnel interested in participating in the watch should contact Battalion Chief Travis Holsberg via email at
- Family members may arrive any time prior to 7:00 PM.
- Uniformed personnel from outside agencies should arrive by 6:30 PM and check in with the CFD member located at the Alpha/Delta corner of the memorial park.
- The ceremony will begin promptly at 7:00 PM.
- Media interviews will only be conducted at the park from 5:30 PM – 6:00 PM.
- Families of the fallen and members of the CFD, past and present, will be seated in the tented area and will receive priority seating.
- Uniformed CFD personnel will assemble in the park at 6:30 PM.
- Uniformed personnel from outside agencies will be directed in to the park, as space allows, following CFD members.
- Service
- Ringing of the bell followed by bagpipes.
- Parking in the area is very limited and we encourage carpooling.
- The memorial park parking lot along Savannah Highway will not be available.