Pelosi, Schiff talk next steps in impeachment inquiry

WASHINGTON (NEXSTAR) — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Rep. Adam Schiff addressed the next steps in the impeachment inquiry during a news conference on Wednesday.

“The president of the United States is stooping to a level that is beneath the dignity of the Constitution of the United States,” said Pelosi.

Pelosi and Schiff said the House impeachment inquiry is moving forward carefully but swiftly.

Schiff, who is the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, along with two other House committee chairs warned they will subpoena the White House for documents related to Ukraine if the White House won’t hand them over.

“To interfere with the Congress’ ability to call before it relevant witnesses will be considered as evidence of obstruction of the lawful functions of Congress,” Schiff said.

After the president withheld millions of dollars in aid for Ukraine, a White House transcript confirms he phoned Ukraine’s president and asked for a “favor” and help investigating Joe Biden and his son.

Pelosi said that appeared to be an abuse of power but President Trump fired back, attacking Schiff for inventing details about the phone call.

“He should be forced to resign from Congress, Adam Schiff, he’s a low life,” Trump said.

The president added that Democrats aren’t interested in the truth.

“All they want to do is win the election in 2020 so they come up with this impeachment nonsense,” Trump said.

Speaker Pelosi promised the impeachment inquiry will be fair and focused.

“Is he too cowardly to protect children from gun violence? Is he too cruel to protect dreamers? Is he too in denial to understand climate change?” Pelosi said. “Save that for the election. This is about the facts relating to the Constitution.”