Residents that live near Lynches River have evacuated in the aftermath of Hurricane Florence. 

One couple, who has been living in front of the Lynches River County Park for over 30 years, decided to not leave their home. 

“This is nothing here. This is like a rain shower, so far,” said resident, Steve Locklair. 

Mr. Locklair has seen his house flooded many times before. 

“Back in the 90’s it came up to my house,” said Steve. 

The couple said they’re not worried about the damage in their front yard because they’ve dealt with it from the past storms. 

“That side gets higher than this side. It gets a little higher but then when it gets there, it starts coming over here,” said Locklair. 

The Lynches River is currently at 16.79 ft. Florence County officials lifted the mandatory evacuations order for Zone 1 and Black Creek area on Saturday.

Officials warn residents to use precaution when returning to your homes. 

“I don’t ever evacuate for some water, just for hurricane or something else, then we leave,” said Steve. 

Some roads are still blocked by barriers, and Florence County officials advise you to not remove or drive around them.