Water line break in Darlington expected to impact residents for several days

A water line break in Darlington is expected to impact residents for several days. 

A press release from the Darlington Downtown Revitalization Association says a water line broke on Pearl Street on Thursday morning. Water was out from nearby railroad tracks to the Fitness World business and along parts of Syracuse Street.

Around 9 p.m., crews had fixed the break, but a second water line break occurred about six feet from the original break “thanks to water pipes from the 1930s,” the release says. 

According to the release, between 7 p.m. Friday and 1 a.m. Saturday, contractors will insert a pressure valve “so residents will have running water while crews continue to make repairs.”

“Next week, city crews will install a temporary 2-inch PVC bypass to service customers until the storm water work in that area is complete. That portion of the project is still on schedule to be complete by July 26. After that, city crews will run permanent pipes,” the release also says. “Residents on the west side of town near Pearl and Syracuse Streets should expect lower than normal water pressure as well as sporadic rusty water while these water line repairs are being made.”