DARLINGTON, SC (WBTW) – Voters elected a new mayor for the City of Darlington Tuesday and a run-off election may be held for a city council seat.
Curtis Boyd won the Darlington mayor position, leading with about 58 percent of the votes.
Boyd ran against former mayor Gloria Cheeseboro Hines and Carolyn Bruce.
He took the lead with 1,034 votes. Hines followed with 621 votes and Bruce had 191 votes.
Boyd told News13 he’s lived in Darlington most of his life and plans to make big changes.
“Some of the main goals are to start cleaning up each department and try to clean up our streets and our sanitation department and recreation work with that,” said Boyd, “work on sewers, it’s just a full list of things that we just got to go through and see how everything is working and make sure we are making the best of everything.”
For Darlington City Council, Bryant Gardner and John Milling were elected, unofficial results show. It appears there will be a run-off for the third spot. Results will be certified on Thursday.
Count on News13 for updates.