FLORENCE, SC –  Florence County Sheriff’s Office Narcotics Investigators on the front line of the heroin epidemic perceived a need for deputies to have the Naloxone readily available and located in a specific and predictable place in their vehicles so that if they become accidentally exposed, another deputy or first responder could easily locate that deputy’s Naloxone and use it to reverse the effects of the opioid.

Reaching out to a long-time corporate partner for help, Safe Kids Pee Dee/Coastal led by McLeod Health, made 75 clear, plastic, easily recognizable containers available without cost to FCSO for the storage of the Naloxone in the deputy’s vehicle.  

All Florence County first responders, including EMS and volunteer fire fighters will now be trained on what to look for and how to locate the Naloxone in a deputy’s vehicle and how to use it if the deputy is the one who is incapacitated.