Rock throwers in Florence damage cars, endanger lives

Rock throwers in Florence are damaging cars and endangering lives, the Florence County Sheriff’s Office says. The FCSO has received three reports from victims. According to Major Mike Nunn, the incidents are occurring on Bannockburn Road and Howe Springs Road. 

“We’re increasing patrol in this area. We are on the lookout for any suspicious behavior that would be consistent with this type of thing, and we’re obviously going to respond to every call that we receive,” Nunn said.

Windows have been busted, exteriors have been damaged and people have been close to getting hurt. One victim’s car was hit twice.

“A rock hit my glass and shattered my glass in on my five year old child. Glass went all over him,” said Brandy Oddo.

On the first occasion, Oddo’s car was hit around 6 p.m. on the 18th. The second time it was around 3 p.m. this previous Sunday. She described the rock throwers as four teenagers who look 16 or 17. 

The individuals hit her car and quickly disappeared behind the railroad track, she said. Although she’s afraid of being hit a third time, there’s no other route she can take.

“That’s my main route in and out. I’m afraid. I sure can’t let my car keep taking licks, but I hope eventually they get caught.”

Although the rock throwers look under 18, throwing rocks is not a game, and they could face serious consequences according to Nunn.

“There are very serious consequences to this. Injuries to the driver and others not withstanding. Depending upon the facts of the particular incident, it could support a charge for malicious injury to personal property. Depending on the dollar value of the damage, it could either be a felony or a misdemeanor with substantial jail time as well as fines,” he said.

If someone is a victim of rock throwers, the Florence County Sheriff’s Office asks that they dial 9-1-1 and file a report.