Robeson County schools revive $20,000 from Carolina Panthers for Florence recovery

The Carolina Panthers Charities along with Bank of America gave a $20,000 grant to two Robeson County High Schools as part of a disaster relief grant, according to a press release from Robeson County Public Schools. 

The money is going to Lumberton High School and Fairmont High School. Both schools recently applied for disaster relief grants, they are among 17 high schools to receive the grants through a rolling application process.

The grants are designed to assist high school athletic programs in the replacement or repair of equipment, supplies or athletic infrastructure lost or damaged during the storm.

Fairmont High School sustained damages to athletic equipment and the school’s three scoreboards during Hurricane Florence. The school plans to use the money to purchase new scoreboards and other equipment if possible. 

Lumberton High School was used as a shelter during Hurricane Florence. Some of the gymnasium floor mats were damaged during that time. The Lumberton High Field House also sustained damages from leaks during and following the hurricane. The baseball concession stand also flooded. Lumberton High School also lost a great deal of money on gate receipts after Hurricane Florence.

“For the Carolina Panthers to start this hurricane relief fund to help some of the high schools out in N.C. really says a lot about their organization.” Said Jerome Hunt, Athletic Director for the Public Schools of Robeson County. “It is especially nice to see the grants go to a number of rural counties, which may have no other resources to replace equipment and facilities, which were damaged,”