A Darlington man donated a half-acre lot to build the Sergeant Terrance Carraway Memorial park to honor officers who lost their life in the line of duty. It was named after Sergeant Terrance Carraway from Darlington who lost his life during the October 3rd ambush in Florence.

Curtis Boyd, who owns Fitness World Gyms, donated the land and hosted an announcement on Tuesday with Carraway’s wife, Alisson.

“I’ve known Alisson and Terrance for years, 26 years or so. He was one of my brown belts. I just remember the day that it happened I was sitting at the Japanese restaurant balling like a baby when I heard it was him,” Boyd said.

The land donated is at the corner of South Main Street and Avenue D in Darlington right across from Title Max

Members of Carraway’s family said the park will resemble everything he stood for.

“Family-oriented, selfless, courageous, intelligent, hero, Terrance Carraway. May his legacy live on,” his wife, Alisson said to the crowd.

With the park, Boyd hopes to honor Carraway along with 377 other fallen South Carolina officers and 10 K-9’s. A statue of Carraway will be put towards the front, Boyd said. He also plans to add a half-size basketball court to represent Carraway’s involvement with the Boys & Girls Club.

Six flags will be flown across the park including the South Carolina Flag, American Flag, United States Air Force Flag, Christian Flag, Police Flag and the Fallen Officer Flag. 

Other park additions will include a gift box where people can donate supplies for those in need.Carraway’s son, who shares his dad’s name, told News13 what the donation meant to him.

We’re just thankful that the city of Darlington would come through and honor my dad because he was such a great man and put 30 years in the police department and 23 years into the Air Force. He taught me everything on how to be a leader not a follower,” Carraway added.

To raise money for the park, Boyd is selling bricks for $100 at his Fitness World Gyms locations. Brick purchasers will get their named added to the park as a donor, Boyd said.

Another way Boyd will raise money for the park is by running 387 miles to Columbia with five other individuals on June 7th. According to Boyd, it will take them about six days. He will release more details on the run as the summer approaches.