Latta misses deadline for repairs to town’s water system

LATTA, SC (WBTW) – Latta has not met the deadline requirements for appropriate repairs to its water system as ordered by the state, according to the DHEC.

The South Carolina Department of Environmental Control said on Thursday Latta continues to have an unsatisfactory rating.

However, DHEC officials said the municipality is making steading progress in correcting the deficiencies.  “Our goal is to continue to work with Latta to bring them back into compliance,” said Laura Renwick, public information officer with DHEC.

“DHEC and the Town continue to stay in communication as the municipality makes steady progress in correcting the deficiencies,” Renwick said.

Latta town administrator, Jarett Taylor, said in a post on Friday the unsatisfactory rating was given because of a leak on one of the water towers.  He said money has been secured to repair the tank at about $30,000.

Other improvements are on the way, Taylor said. “The water quality to my knowledge has not changed and I have no calls from DHEC stating anything different or that the water is not drinkable,” Taylor added.

Latta’s water system rating was downgraded to “unsatisfactory” in July 2018. According to the report last year, DHEC downgraded the town because of a leak that had developed on the 100,000 gallon Diversified Plastics tank, and lack of progress in correcting items from previous inspections.

He said the town needs about $9.3 to $9.6 million to replace 80 percent of the water lines, and 60 percent of the roughest sewer areas in Latta.

News13 reached out to the town administration for comment regarding the latest deadline set by DHEC.