The engineering department for the city of Latta will accept bids next month to repair its water and sewer system.
According to City Administrator Jarett Taylor, the project will cost nearly $8 milliondiver.
“We’re almost around securing $7.7 million of it. A big chunk of that has been granted through processes within the government to get it done,” Taylor said.
Fifty percent of what the town has received for repairs came from grants. The rest was through town and loan funds.
The most expensive part of the project will involve water and sewer line improvements along Highway 301. Those lines will be abandoned and replaced with new PVC lines.
New services will also be installed for 103 customers, and the entire town will receive new water meters. The total cost for those repairs will be $2,600,000.
Other parts of the grand project include getting a new water tank, improving the downtown water lines and establishing more tank repairs.
“It’s going to get done. I see the light at the end of the tunnel and hopefully we’ll have some more good news in the near future to make people just a little more excited about it,” he said.
Water problems in Latta have occurred for the last 35 to 40 years. Residents, who have spent their whole lives there, said they are tired of dealing with it.
“I’m afraid of brushing my teeth in it because of the rust color. I use a lot of jug bottle of water. I don’t drink it, and I’m paying a high bill for something that I don’t have much use for,” said Kristi Watson.
For individuals wanting to know about specific water and sewer issues, Taylor encourages them to attend the town hall meetings on the second Thursday of each month at 7 p.m.