More than two months after Hurricane Florence battered parts of eastern Carolinas, one family in Latta continues to repair their home. 

“It’s a setback to where you normally would be, you know,” said resident Michael Paige. 

Paige and his wife have been living in the Covington street neighborhood for more than 15 years, and say it’s been a struggle for them especially with the holiday season here. 

Back in September, News13 spoke to the couple about mold issues growing inside their home and the aftermath by the floodwaters. 

“It’s been kinda tough. We are barely making it, but I continue doing a little work here and trying to get everything back together. We still a lot more to do,” said Paige.  

The couple has received assistance from FEMA, but it hasn’t been enough to cover all the repairs. “You never get enough to do everything, so we just do it little by little,” said Paige. 

Most of the appliances, floors, and food inside their refrigerator were damaged by Florence, and had to be replaced. Despite what the couple has been through, they feel grateful for what they still have.

“It’s beautiful, you know. Mercy the good Lord that we are able to be in our home,” said Paige. 

The couple will continue to repair their home, and hope to be living here for many years to come.