Florence City Council removes two- hour parking near new Judicial Center, changes water fees

FLORENCE, SC (WBTW) – Florence City Council approved a resolution to remove the two-hour parking spots in front of the new Judicial Center, Monday afternoon.

City Officials say the South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT ) and Florence County requested the changes for a few reasons.

“Some of the concerns have to do with security in front the courthouse. Some of them have to do with traffic flow. The SCDOT and County desire to create a stacking lane there as they realign the entrances to the old courthouse building and the new courthouse,” explained Mayor Stephen Wukela. “It’s a lot more efficient if you have a turning lane where you can have space for people to stack into and you don’t impede the normal lane of travel.”

The original ordinance passed in 1991, it allowed more than a dozen cars to park along North Irby Street.

“As always, you hate to lose parking but we certainly understand those concerns that the County and SCDOT have,” he said.

The resolution documents say it will allow city police to put up no parking signs along that section of the road.

Also on the agenda, council approved the final reading to revise the water and sewer tap fees.

This means if you are adding a new tap line it will cost about $270 dollars more than it used to.

City officials say the cost is more because of the new automated metering system. City Manager Drew Griffin says the new meter costs about $310.

Essentially customers will pay for the new radio meters which are more expensive than the traditional brass meters. Griffin says the brass meters where about $40.

“They are a lot more beneficial. You get a lot more information. It’s a lot more helpful to the customer and the city but they are more expensive. So, for new meters going forward it will be at a higher cost,” said Wukela.