FCSO taking part in state ‘Sober or Slammer’ initiative

FLORENCE, SC (WBTW) – The Florence County Sheriff’s Office and the Twelfth Circuit Law Enforcement Network will join with the South Carolina Highway Patrol, the Department of Natural Resources and other law enforcement agencies across the state for the “Sober or Slammer” initiative.

“Sober or Slammer” is a statewide initiative to prevent alcohol-related fatalities over the holidays. The operation is characterized by concentrated, high-visibility traffic enforcement with heightened public awareness, according to a press release from the Sheriff’s Office.

“The member agencies of the Twelfth Circuit Law Enforcement Network will be out in force during the holiday season to enforce the traffic laws in an effort to reduce alcohol-related accidents and fatalities.” Sheriff Billy Barnes stated. “These tragic accidents are always easily preventable. It’s simple. If you drink, don’t drive. Designate a driver, call a friend or even a cab, but don’t get behind the wheel and risk arrest, or even worse, injuring or killing someone else.”

In addition, South Carolina has a “Zero Tolerance” when it comes to the purchase, possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages by anyone under the age of 21. Under this law, anyone under age with any measurable amount of alcohol in their system while operating a motor vehicle breaks the law. Motorists can also report suspected driving under the influence by calling *HP or Emergency 911.

“Public involvement is critical in enforcing the DUI laws. Help us make this the year that no one in Florence County faces the tragedy of an alcohol-related motor vehicle fatality this Holiday Season. Together, we can make this happen,” Sheriff Barnes stated. “From all of us at FCSO, have a Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year.”