FBI highlights “distinctive shoes” worn by Hania Aguilar during her kidnapping

It has been 20 days since 13-year-old Hania Aguilar was taken from her home just outside of Lumberton. 

FBI Agents are pursuing every possible lead to try and find the missing girl. One possible clue is the sneakers she was wearing at the time. 

At the time of her kidnapping, Hania was wearing sneakers similar to the ones pictured above. They are Adidas brand, white sneakers with black stripes, and colorful stitching on the back heel of the shoe.

“Think through what you’ve seen since November 5th,” Said FBI Supervisory Senior Resident Agent Andy De la Rocha in a press release. “Have you seen a discarded pair of shoes, did someone try to sell you shoes, did they show up in a donation bin? We want to make sure we draw attention to the shoes because they are distinctive and the kidnapper could try and get rid of them for that reason,”