FLORENCE, SC – The Duke Energy Foundation presented The School Foundation with a $5,000 check in support of their Start2Read program.  Start2Read, a joint initiative between The School Foundation, Florence School District One and the StartSMART Advisory Council sends certified early childhood teachers to local businesses to distribute books to the parents/guardians of 1, 2 and 3 year old children. Teachers will share the book, give tips for effective reading aloud and distribute a take-home “reading tips” sheet.

“One of our key focus areas is early childhood literacy,” stated Mindy Taylor, District Manager, Government & Community Relations at Duke Energy. “I am pleased to announce that this grant now brings our total support of this program to $12,600.”

“We are excited to receive these funds in support of our Start2Read program,” stated Debbie Hyler, Executive Director of The School Foundation. “This program is designed to meet children at the earliest stages of reading development and this donation will help prepare many children to enter kindergarten with the skills needed to succeed.”