District plan may close Marlboro School of Discovery

Marlboro County school board members have a reconfiguration plan in place, and the School of Discovery might be in jeapordy. 

Former students believe closing the school won’t allow students to express themselves artistically.  

The plans is to merge the School of Discovery with nearby schools, but community members want to keep the school doors open. 

“If it wasn’t for the School of Discovery, meeting teachers, staff, and my fellow classmates, my co-director and I wouldn’t have opened our studio. I would’ve never gotten into dance,” said former student DeMarcus Benjamin. 

The Marlboro County school district is looking for way to save money and make better use of its building. Back in November, voters approved a $10 million referendum for school repairs, renovations, and security upgrades. District officials have a plan, but it means students who attend the magnet program will have to relocate. 

“Option A moves students to Clio. Option B is going to have students possibly transfer to Blenheim,” said superintendent, Dr. Gregory McCord.

Dr. McCord believes repairing the school of discovery is not an option. 

“I would imagine it would be in the upwards of millions of dollars which we don’t have. On a tight budget, we don’t have that type of money for the expenses that are needed to bring that building up to code. It lacks adequate space for some of the fine arts performances that need to take place. The auditorium is old,” said Dr. McCord. 

The Marlboro School of Discovery fears students won’t receive the full experience.

“If that school closes will the arts slowly fade away,” said Benjamin. 

The next forum is set to happen at 6 p.m Thursday at Blenheim Elementary Middle school.