Disaster unemployment assistance available in 4 SC counties impacted by Hurricane Florence

Disaster unemployment assistance is available in four South Carolina counties affected by Hurricane Florence. 

Governor McMaster and S.C. Department of Employment and Workforce Executive Director Cheryl Stanton announced on Monday that residents in Dillon, Horry, Marion, and Marlboro counties are now eligible for Disaster Unemployment Assistance funds, a press release from Henry McMaster/Office of the Governor says. These funds will be made available through the unemployment insurance benefits system.

Residents in these four counties are eligible for the funds “due to the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s decision to amend the federal disaster declaration to include individual assistance eligibility in those counties,” according to the release. The DUA program makes funds available to assist people who “became unemployed as a direct result of Hurricane Florence” and is available to small business owners and the self-employed “who lost personal income due to the disaster.”

If your job has been affected by Hurricane Florence, visit dew.sc.gov and click the MyBenefits Login in the top right corner to apply through the unemployment insurance benefits system, says the release. For help, call 1-866-831-1724. The deadline for applying is October 24, 2018, 30 calendar days from the date that DEW announced the availability of DUA in the counties. 

According to the release, workers or business owners meeting the following criteria may be eligible for benefits: