FLORENCE, SC (WBTW) – A peaceful demonstration was held Wednesday afternoon in Florence in the wake of George Floyd’s death.
Hundreds met at the Florence County Judicial Center on Irby Street at 4 p.m. before making a loop around downtown.
“This is the most people I’ve seen together really under something we all believe in together,” Kwamane Henryhand of Florence said. “So to me it’s beautiful.”
Protesters chanted things like “No justice, no peace,” “I can’t breathe,” and “Black lives matter.”
Florence police had sections of streets blocked so the demonstrators could pass through them. They stopped at the bottom of the MLK Bridge for a moment of silence.
“We live here. This is our city,” one of the organizers Brittany Peguese said. “And we’re not here to tear it up. We’re just hear to talk about the injustice of our brothers and sisters.”
Law enforcement marched alongside the demonstrators, including Florence County Sheriff Billy Barnes, Chief Deputy Glen Kirby and Florence Chief of Police Allen Heidler.
“These folks are angry and upset about the atrocities that have occurred at the hands of law enforcement and I can tell you that we are too,” Chief Heidler said. “We’re here to protect people from that and we stand with these folks.”
Officers said no issues arose during the march.
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