The Darlington County Sheriff’s Office started its third annual cooling project to help senior citizens and families in need beat the high summer temperatures.

Sheriff Tony Chavis launched the project back in 2017 after he realized there was a need in the community. Since then, the sheriff’s office has collected fans, air conditioners and water bottle cases.

“There’s a lot of folks in this county, especially seniors that are on a fixed income that may have lost their air conditioner or just need something to help cool down during the summer,” said Lieutenant Robert Kilgo.

The project started on Wednesday and will go on until June 15th. People interested in helping out can drop off their donations at the sheriff’s office at 1621 Harry Byrd Highway in Darlington. The donations can also be picked up by simply calling their office at 843-398-4502.

“We do appreciate the public’s help. We couldn’t do it without the public. They are the one’s donating the fans, the air conditioners and the money to do all this stuff,” Kilgo said.

According to Kilgo, those who donate will also be automatically entered to win a flat-screen TV.