DARLINGTON, SC (WBTW) – The Darlington County Sheriff’s Office’s bloodhound puppies now officially have names.
Darlington County Sheriff Tony Chavis made the announcement in a video posted to Facebook Friday morning, saying the puppies are named Smokey and Bandit.
The puppies will help “rescue children and find bad guys,” the post said.
On January 1, the DCSO said they had narrowed down names for the puppies to include Cash, Sully, Scout, Major, Colt, Ruger, Thor, Xander, Smokey and Bandit.
The puppies were introduced on December 20. The sheriff’s office said they were presented to the department from a local breeder, Ty Neal, of Darlington.
“It is wonderful to have community members like Mr. Neal who are willing to donate to law enforcement,” stated Sheriff Tony Chavis in a press released on the department’s website. “These animals will be a great benefit to not only us, but to the people of Darlington County.”