Darlington County deputy named Deputy of the Year by SC Sheriffs’ Association

A Darlington County deputy has been named Deputy of the Year by the South Carolina Sheriffs’ Association. 

A press release from the department says Deputy Sheriff Justin Taylor received the award during the association’s annual awards banquet in Myrtle Beach. 

In September, Deputy Taylor helped to save the life of a gunshot victim, according to the release. “On September 12, 2017, Deputy Justin Taylor, went above and beyond the call of duty when he responded to a call for service of a gunshot victim fighting for his life. Deputy Taylor, a certified paramedic, quickly rendered medical assistance to stop the bleeding until EMS arrived. His quick action saved the life of the victim.”

In January, Deputy Taylor helped children following a fatal car crash, the release also says. “On January 2, 2018, following a major one-car vehicle collision with multiple fatalities, Deputy Justin Taylor began resuscitating and providing medical assistance to small children struggling to live. As the collision scene became turbulent, Deputy Taylor was observed personally carrying wounded and injured children to the ambulances for immediate medical attention. Once the collision scene was managed and immediate life-saving steps were rendered, Deputy Taylor assisted the county EMS by driving an ambulance to the hospital while EMS personnel were providing care to a child.”

“Deputy Taylor’s actions showed the willingness to preserve, defend and protect human life at every cost,” says Sheriff Tony Chavis. “During both events, Deputy Taylor’s actions embodied the Darlington County Sheriff’s Office core values of integrity, accountability and selfless service.”

Deputy Taylor was sworn-in by Sheriff Chavis in 2017 and completed the South Carolina Criminal Justice Academy in January.