DARLINGTON, SC (WBTW) – Dozens of people in Darlington gathered Saturday afternoon to mourn the loss of five people killed in a car accident including two unborn babies.

Last Friday, the Darlington County Coroner Todd Hardee confirmed 11 people were in a car taking one passenger to the hospital.

Officials say the car overturned along Rogers Road. Its deemed the deadliest crash in Darlington County in 20 years.

Clergy, teachers, students and first responders spoke about the impact of the accident while praying for the family.

A Darlington Rescue EMS worker spoke to the crowd. He says it was the hardest crash he’s worked during his career. He also said all of the first responders received a two-day meeting with the Firefighter association.

Family members tell News13 one family member is still in the hospital in critical condition while six are recovering.

One family member passed out blue ribbons to honor the woman still in the hospital. 

Mayor Pro Tem Carolyn Bruce , co-organizer, says the family needs support and monetary donations during the healing process.

“The family as a whole is going to go through a healing process. This is something that going to take a long time for them to process and heal. It impacted the entire community. The community is affected by this not only the family. We want to come together and show solidarity,” said Bruce.

Mayor Gloria Hines says the family is short $3,400. The funeral expenses are covered, however, the burial expenses are not.

The funeral for the family is Sunday at Darlington High School at 1 PM.

If you would like to help the family with burial expenses.

Visit https://www.gofundme.com/fmk3x-funeralizing-douglasrouse-family