Community helps pay for 4- year- old Raul Gonzalez Johnson’s Funeral

LAURINBURG, NC (WBTW) Last Wednesday, four-year-old Raul Gonzales Johnson went missing after his family says he wandered away from his granddad’s house.

Tuesday, Sheriff Ralph Kersey confirmed his body was found in a pond near the family’s home.
Wednesday, the family laid the little boy to rest. 
People from all over Scotland county gathered at the Northview Harvest Ministries to pay their respects.
Heather Barrow, a friend of Raul’s mom says she just wants to show support and love for the family during this time.
“I hope everybody in the community will keep supporting her even after this is done because once she sits down I think it will probably hit her,” said Barrow.  “I don’t know what I would do if it was me.” 
Community support has been overwhelming for the family, from volunteers from across the Southeast searching for Raul since last Wednesday. To community members hosting two candlelight vigils after the FBI and Sheriff announced they believe Raul’s body was found Saturday.

Wednesday, the McDougald funeral home covered the cost of Raul’s funeral.
“We have feelings ourselves. Everybody else stepped up to the plate I felt like that was the least that we could do to step up to the plate and carry out the families last wishes for their little child,” said Sherrill Bumgarner, Owner-Operator of McDougald Funeral Home and Crematorium. “The family and the community have been through so much over the last few days. We just felt like this is the least we could do. This is a good community, good folks and everybody comes together and help the family out.”

Bumgarner says on average funerals cost about $7,000- $8,000 but Raul’s funeral hit home.
 “I have two 3-year-old granddaughters. When someone is older and they pass away. We kind of accept that but when a child passes away it’s very different. We’re not supposed to be burying our children. Our children are supposed to bury us,” he explained.
 The story of Raul spread across the state, where Fletcher Collins followed the story and prayed for the family. When he heard Raul’s body was found in a pond near his family’s home, he customized Raul’s casket for free with his favorite cartoon character Thomas and Friends.

“When it seems like the burden we can’t bear… I think I can. I think I can. Until after a while by and by…I say to the family they will say I know I can,” said Collins.
 If you would like to donate to the funeral home for Raul’s headstone contact McDougald funeral home at 305 E. Church Street; PO Box 187 Laurinburg, NC 28353 or call 1-910-276-2200.