City of Darlington crews to increase mosquito spraying efforts following Hurricane Florence

City of Darlington crews will increase mosquito spraying efforts following Hurricane Florence.

Crews will spray nightly from 8 p.m. to midnight Monday through Thursday, a press release from the Darlington Downtown Revitalization Associations says.

On Mondays and Wednesdays, crews will spray along “the alphabet streets,” including First, Second, and Third Streets, and across South Main Street from Limit Street to Park Street, according to the release. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, crews will cover “the country club, Oakdale, Williamson Park, and North Main Street neighborhoods.”

Chemicals will not be sprayed “if the drivers see residents outside or if it is raining,” says the release. City crews have also been “putting bricks into ditches full of standing water that release chemicals to disrupt mosquito larva from developing.”

The spray truck will only spray within city limits and staff cannot spray at individual addresses, states the release. Residents are asked to do the following to help with reducing the mosquito population and their chances of being bitten:

Residents with questions or comments can call the City of Darlington Street Department at 843-398-4035.