DARLINGTON, SC (WBTW) – The Attorney of the man shot by a state constable last weekend says he wants justice.

The man shot by the constable is Brandon Fludd.
His attorney Robert Stucks, of the Law Office of Robert Stucks in Darlington, says his client Fludd is a lot of pain.

He adds he was unarmed on Saturday night.

While he says Florence Police responded properly, he wants justice for how the State Constable handled the situation.

“I was horrified. I think the video clearly shows Fludd was trying to evade law enforcement. He was shot while his vehicle was moving backward… They all were at a point of safety. I don’t think anyone was in jeopardy of being struck by Mr. Fludd’s vehicle,” said Stucks.”His car was shot into multiple times. It’s just alarming.”

He says Constable Christopher Bachochin fired 8 times, Fludd was shot three times. 
“Once in the knee, in his left arm, and in his upper chest,” said Stucks.

Stucks says he agrees with Mayor Stephen Wukela’s statement earlier this week during a press conference.

“It speaks for itself,” said Wukela, when referencing the body camera video of the shooting.

“It does. The reason I say that is because you have two trained law enforcement officers on that scene. Neither of which fired their weapons. I don’t even think they actually drew their weapons,” said Stucks. “I think it’s telling and it’s disturbing that we had this untrained constable out there and he made a decision to fire into Mr. Fludds car. It’s a problem.”

State Representative (D) Justin Bamberg of District 90 will join Stucks in defending Fludd. Stucks says the team of attorneys will look into Bacochin’s training record.

While Stucks says he believes his client should have gotten out of the car. He believes the shooting was unjust.
“Does not obeying a law enforcement officer of trying to flee the scene of a traffic. Does that warrant you being shot three times? Eight shot being fired into the car and you’re unarmed,” asked Stucks.

Stucks says they are unsure why Fludd was pulled over but he considers it a minor traffic violation.
No charges have been filed against Fludd. Stucks says he does not expect any charges to be filed.

News13 did try to talk with Constable Bachochin, we were unsuccessful.