Pee Dee family mourns boy killed in Darlington County crash

A family in Bennettsville is coping with the loss of their youngest son after a crash earlier this week.

Cameron Ard, age 4, died during a wreck Thursday morning around 8:15 am at US 15 and Leavensworth Road near the Darlington County Airport.

The South Carolina Highway Patrol says Cameron was in a vehicle that was traveling north when the vehicle ran off the right side of the road, overturned and hit a light pole.

Since then, the family has been dealing with the loss, said relative Elizabeth Bublitz, who is a cousin of Cameron’s dad, she told News13.

The family also needs help paying for hospital expenses and funeral costs for Cameron, Bublitz said.

But, she also said that non-financial aid is helpful.

“Even just comments of support mean so much to our family at this time,” Bublitz wrote to News13.

Bublitz set up a GoFundMe page for Cameron’s family.

“I know many people have expressed that they would like to help in some small way,” she added.