FLORENCE, SC (WBTW) – For years, South Carolina has been one of the worst states for deaths caused by domestic violence.

In light of domestic violence awareness month the Pee Dee Coalition against domestic and sexual assault joined forces Saturday morning for the fourth annual “Breaking Free” run.

The event raises money for the Pee Dee coalition safe shelter for women and children.

It is the only 24-hour crisis line for victims and their families in the Pee Dee.

People who participated say they do it to raise awareness.

“We just wanted to come out and support and raise awareness for it especially since we are women and we don’t want to become victims,” said Victoria Dye with Francis Marion University’s Women’s Basketball Team.

“There are some athletes, some couch potatoes but all of them are willing to get out here and pick up the banner and try and work to make things better, that’s what it’s all about,” said Chief Danny Watson with the City of Darlington Police Department.

Since the Pee Dee Coalition safe shelter opened it has provided a safe place for thousands of women and children.