Pee Dee Coalition addresses Sexual Assault Awareness and Child Abuse Prevention

FLORENCE, SC – Held annually in April, Sexual Assault Awareness and Child Abuse Prevention Month is the nationally designated month to acknowledge the importance of communities working together to prevent sexual assault, child abuse and neglect. Throughout the Pee Dee this is the daily, year-round work of Pee Dee Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Assault.

Pee Dee Coalition is a non-profit, volunteer driven; United Way supported organization that operates on the premise that reducing all forms of interpersonal violence is the business of everyone who values the basic human desire to be free from physical threat and harm. Our vision is that these efforts throughout the Pee Dee region will make all our communities safer and more compassionate.

For April 2016 Pee Dee Coalition is highlighting the largely ignored issues of sexual assault of men and sexual abuse of boys. Frequently issues of rape and child sexual abuse are viewed solely from the perspective of female victims. Researchers have found that 1 in 6 men have experienced unwanted or abusive sexual experiences before age 18. And this is probably a low estimate, since it doesn’t include non-contact experiences, which can also have lasting negative eff­ects.

What the best research tells us:

Pee Dee Coalition, a member organization of the United Way, participates with a variety of partners throughout the region in events developed especially for Sexual Assault Awareness and Child Abuse Prevention Month.  A calendar of activities is included with this packet.

For more information contact Pee Dee Coalition at 843-669-4694.