A simple fall or even a small scratch can cause a serious infection, now a family in the Pee Dee wants to bring awareness to those who might be going through something similar.

“I prayed to God and asked, please don’t talk my child,” said mother of Brody, Ada Martin.

What seemed to be flu like symptoms for Brody turned into a nightmare for the family.

“When he complained of thigh pain, I thought let me check his hip because at that point he couldn’t walk on his leg. When I pressed his hip he screamed. I told his dad you’re going to have to pick him up, put him in the car, we’re going to the emergency room,” said Martin.

The family went to Dillon, Florence and then to MUSC in Charleston. Doctors were able to figure out what was going on with Brody.

“He was diagnosed with thigh abscess and septic hip,” said Martin.

Brody underwent three surgeries and was hooked to a ventilator. The family did not know if Brody would make it.

“My left hip and down it was a constant sting and aching feeling that I couldn’t get to stop,” said Brody.

A near death situation was caught right on time, but now the family wants to bring awareness for others.

“His was very rare, they don’t know what could’ve caused it. A fall could’ve caused it, or by just a little scratch or anything,” said Ada.

Before Brody was able to leave the hospital and go back home, he met a special guest.

“He met magic Johnson. He signed Brody’s strong shirt and stopped by just to speak with Brody. It was very interesting and we’re so thankful,” said Ada.

With all the community support, the family is thankful for everyone who helped them.

“It made me feel so relived that I was out of the hospital and I didn’t have to worry as much,” said Brody.

“I just want everyone to know how grateful we are and thank you MUSC, Kris Lane, the Fisher House, people in the community and God for saving his life,” said Ada.