Pee Dee baseball team raise awareness

FLORENCE, S.C. (WBTW) – A baseball team in the Pee Dee raised awareness Saturday evening.

The “Carolina Bruins” honored Asher Wallace, a nine year-old  who has a genetic disorder called neurofibromatosis

The team wore jersey’s with his name on it.

“Their dark blue with green and some of our kids even have the shoe strings in the green,” said head coach Chris Rogers.

“For several years Asher wasn’t able to participate in sports, but he has always loved baseball,” said his mother Pam Wallace.

Wallace says after two surgeries, Asher was able to join a travel baseball team in Florence.

That’s when he met a player on an opposite team that would soon become his best friend. 

“When their championship game was over Bryce Patterson, a player on the Bruins team decided he wanted to give up his ring,” said Rogers.

 “It just did my heart good to know that a child would give up something that means so much to them to somebody else,”said Wallace

A parent who was there says the game teaches you life skills that you can use on and off the field. 

 “That’s also a very important part of baseball, not to just know about the game and how to play, but also learning about sportsmanship,”said Tiffany Edwards.

Wallace says the goal of honoring Asher is to raise awareness about the disorder that’s impacted his life. 

“Not everybody knows about it. I mean when Asher was born there were only two doctors in the Pee Dee area who have never even heard of it,” said Wallace.

The “Carolina Bruins” won the tournament 4-0 and honors their win to Asher Wallace and his mother Pam Wallace.