“Out-of-town” protesters try to disrupt memorial at Charleston church

CHARLESTON, SC – Just six days after the deadly Charleston Church shooting at Mother Emanuel in downtown Charleston, protesters from out of town attempted to disturb the respectful scene at the church on Tuesday night. (June 23)

Those at the memorial responded to the group’s protest, in a positive way.

Protesters showed up to the memorial with megaphones chanting “arm yourself or harm yourself,” and “never forget, never forgive.” They marched from Marion Square to Mother Emanuel and they interrupted people paying respects at the mass shooting site.

Memorial attendees said the protesters were disrespecting the church and cursing in front of the church. One person said, “they’re very much going about it the wrong way, we had peace here in Charleston, everyone is coming together in love and unity… they need to leave our city.”

Even younger people present at the Memorial said it’s not necessary… “They gotta calm down because you supposed to forgive in the Bible but you not supposed to forget ok, remember that.”

Someone added “they’re gonna go home eventually because love beats anything.”

When the protesters interrupted those at the Memorial paying their respects to the nine victims, the crowd started singing the protesters away. They began singing “We shall overcome” and the protesters eventually walked away from the church.