Organizers prepare for Amputee Awareness Walk this weekend

FLORENCE, SC (WBTW) – This weekend, people will gather at  Carolinas Rehabilitation Hospital for the Amputee Awareness Walk.

This is the second year for the walk in Florence. Organizers say the Pee Dee has the highest number of amputations in the state with 200 to 400 amputations per year between the local Florence hospitals.

“We are hoping it gets bigger this year and we are hoping the third year gets even bigger. But we are also trying to bring awareness to Florence, to Florence County about all of our local amputees,” said Chad Welch with the Palmetto Amputee Support Group.

The walk will start at 10 a.m. on Saturday in downtown Florence and will consist of a half mile and one mile markers. Participants of every activity level are welcome.

It will also include interactive/educational booths from vendors, a K-9 show held by the Florence County Sheriff’s Office, a firetruck display, and much more.