North Myrtle Beach firefighters teach how to prevent wildfires

NORTH MYRTLE BEACH, SC (WBTW) – Local firefighters helped community members learn how to prevent a wildfire in their own backyards on Saturday.

North Myrtle Beach Fire Rescue held its annual open house for National Wildlife Community Preparedness Day. This is the third year the department has held the event. This year they focused on home landscaping. They displayed examples of different types of plants and trees that are most fire resistant, and which to keep far from your home. Battalion Chief Michael Davis says certain landscaping can cause serious fires, and his department knows that firsthand. “Back when we had the wildfire at Barefoot, that was one of the biggest issues – pine straw going up. And it would go straight up into the vinyl siding, and into the attic, and that’s why the homes burned. So it’s just ongoing education to tell those people that there’s other alternatives,” he said.

South Carolina Forestry Commission officials were also at the open house.