(MEDIA GENERAL) – As we head into another holiday weekend prepared to celebrate our country’s independence, New York Giants star Jason Pierre-Paul is set to remind others of a nasty accident that could have killed him.
Pierre-Paul lost parts of three fingers and severely injured his right hand after a firecracker went off prematurely during a Fourth of July celebration last year. He now is using his celebrity to warn others about fireworks safety by starring in a public service announcement.
The PSA includes a re-enactment of Pierre-Paul’s accident and he shows off his damaged hand.
The PSA ends with a warning to leave fireworks to professionals and to keep them away from kids.
The Consumer Product Safety Commission, who partnered in the PSA, urges consumers to follow several safety steps if they choose to purchase fireworks.
- Make sure consumer fireworks are legal in your area before buying or using them.
- Never use or make professional grade fireworks.
- Never allow young children to play with or ignite fireworks, including sparklers. Sparklers burn at temperatures of about 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit — hot enough to melt some metals.
- Do not buy fireworks that are packaged in brown paper, which is often a sign that the fireworks were made for professional displays.
- Never place any part of your body directly over a fireworks device when lighting the fuse. Move to a safe distance immediately after lighting fireworks.
- Keep a bucket of water or a garden hose handy, in case of fire or other mishap.
- Never try to relight or handle malfunctioning fireworks. Soak them with water and throw them away.
- Never point or throw fireworks at another person.
- Light fireworks one at a time, then move away from them quickly.
- After fireworks complete their burning, douse the spent device with plenty of water from a bucket or hose before discarding the device to prevent a trash fire.