News13 sits down with SC Representative Tom Rice

MYRTLE BEACH, SC (WBTW) – Today News13’s Nicole Boone had the chance to speak with South Carolina Rep. Tom Rice.

We hit on a few national topics including tax reform, and Trump’s first 100 days.

Specifically, we asked about the president’s endorsement of BAT taxes which are essentially taxes on imported goods.

“When I originally heard about the BAT tax I had some doubts myself but when I sat down and educated myself as to what it was and why we needed it I came to the conclusion it was something really necessary. If we want to diversify our economy, if we want to maintain our existing manufacturing base and grow it in the country, if we want to stop the flow of American companies overseas it’s something we need to truly do,” said Rep.Rice.

Trump’s first 100 day mark is on Saturday. We asked Rep. Rice what he’s thought about the job President Trump has done so far.

“I think he’s been working hard to keep his promises. We haven’t succeeded in everything single thing yet. I think we’re making progress on healthcare which is the biggest place where we’ve had our little interruption but I think that’ll be handled here pretty quickly. Parties are coming together and we’ll move forward there too. I’m proud of him doing what he said he was going to do on the campaign trial,” said Rep. Rice.