Newly discovered frog looks a lot like Kermit

Kermit the Frog has some competition.

A newly discovered species of the so-called “glassfrog” looks an awful lot like the famous Muppet.

Bulging white eyes with horizontal pupils, Kelly green skin, wide mouth… the works. 

Kermit has a lookalike.

But the name’s not nearly so catchy as its famous counterpart: Hyalinobatrachium dianae, or Diane’s bare-hearted glassfrog. If you have to, you can call it H. dianae for short.

Scientists recently found the species on the Caribbean slopes of Costa Rica.

This is big news in the scientific community. The last time a new glassfrog was found in Costa Rica was back in 1973, according to the Costa Rican Amphibian Research Center.

“Costa Rica is known to have 14 glassfrogs inhabiting its tiny national territory!” the center’s Facebook page said.

It’s called a glassfrog because of its translucent belly. You can see its internal organs from underneath.