New research finds another benefit of breastfeeding

Breast cancer patients who breastfed their babies have a 30 percent lower risk of recurrence. The study in the Journal of the National Cancer institute also found those women were also 28 percent less likely to die from the disease. Researchers say they don?t know why women who breastfed develop less aggressive tumors. SOURCE – Kaiser Permanente/MedDay/CBS

Rheumatoid arthritis 

A new study of Rheumatoid arthritis finds certain genetic factors play a role in the autoimmune disease. Researchers from the university of Manchester found genetics are linked to the severity of the disease, the risk of death and how well a patient responds to treatment. SOURCE – JAMA/MedDay/CBS

Lice guidelines

The American Academy of Pediatrics is updating its lice guidelines. The medical group says a child should not be kept out of school because of the problem. Instead the student should finish the school day, be treated with an over the counter medication and then return to school. The AAP says it‘s important to remember lice is a nuisance, not a serious disease. SOURCE – American Academy of Pediatrics/MedDay/CBS