CBS News – Heroin use is rising among men and women. A report from the CDC and FDA shows the biggest increases are among women and people with higher income levels. In 2013, more than 82-hundred people died from heroin overdoses. SOURCE – CDC/MedDay/CBS

Prescription contraceptives

Women are spending less out of pocket for prescription contraceptives as a result of the Affordable Care Act. Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania estimate women who use birth control pills and IUDs are saving about 250 dollars a year. SOURCE – University of Pennsylvania/MedDay/CBS


Kids with severe allergies can have a second allergic reaction within hours of the first one. A new study looked at nearly 500 kids treated in the ER for anaphylaxis. A more severe first reaction was associated with a stronger risk for a second reaction. SOURCE – Annals of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology/MedDay/CBS