CHARLOTTE, NC (CNN/ WSOC) – A mother says her entire family has to quarantine after they were exposed to the coronavirus by an internet technician.
Emily Beaty has protected her adorable twin baby boys since the day they were born. “They were born at 26 weeks. They spent three and a half months in the hospital,” Beaty said.
She even thought of them when she called Spectrum last week to have her internet serviced. She says the company assured her that steps were being taken to protect customers from exposure to COVID-19.
“They were taking this situation very seriously, and that they were pre-screening their employees and all of their employees were healthy.”
She says the technician arrived and started working outside. Her husband saw him cough briefly while outdoors. Then the tech came inside to quickly finish up before leaving.
Four days later, she says Spectrum called her saying the technician tested positive for COVID-19.
“I just don’t feel like they were doing a proper screening,” she said. “I mean, they sent a technician out to my house that had a cough and not two days later is he being tested for Coronavirus.”
In a statement to Channel 9 (WSOC), a spokesperson said, “We immediately contacted the customer recently served by the technician as well as the tech’s coworkers.” He said they are taking steps to protect employees and the public.
Spectrum is encouraging all techs to take their temperature at home before coming to work and telling employees who are sick or caring for someone who is sick to stay at home.
But Beaty says the company should take more proactive measures to protect other families from what she’s now enduring.
“Not only is it having an impact financially, but I have two babies at home and I need to get to the store to get formula, but I can’t leave my house now.”