NBA expected to announce if all-star game will remain in NC after HB2

RALEIGH, N.C.  – After state lawmakers passed House Bill Two earlier this year, the National Basketball Association indicated that it would consider moving the NBA All-Star Game away from Charlotte as a result of what it calls discriminatory legislation.

The decision has been in limbo ever since and Tuesday night we could know what the NBA has decided.

“Should they decide to keep it in Charlotte, I would be surprised at this point,” said Matt Hirschy of Equality NC, group that has been very vocal about repealing the legislation completely. “The General Assembly has put this game at direct risk.”

NBA Commissioner Adam Silver is expected to address the topic tonight during an NBA league meeting in Las Vegas at 8 p.m. The All-Star weekend is set for next February.

The General Assembly adjourned earlier this month after making one change to HB2 – a change that ensures that employees can sue for wrongful termination in state court.

“That was reversed and restored, and we felt that was an appropriate move to make,” said Rep. Nelson Dollar (R-Wake County).

No changes were made to the other parts of HB2 that many have said discriminate against the transgender community. The bill delineates that those born male, go to the men’s room while those born female, go to the women’s room – unless the sex has been changed on the birth certificate.

Many say the law makes North Carolinians safer in places like restrooms and shower facilities.

HB2 has been a key part of the gubernatorial campaign.

“We also want the NBA and related businesses to help us repeal House Bill Two,” said Roy Cooper, the Democrat gubernatorial candidate. “It’s important that we all pull together to eliminate discrimination from our law.”

Gov. Pat McCrory, the Republican running to keep his job, said that the issue is much broader than just North Carolina’s HB2. “This issue now is an issue that’s in 21 states that are challenging the federal government overreach and that’s the major issue,” he said. “This is going to be resolved in the courts and for any company that’s debating this issue, it’s a debate that’s going on across our country, not just in North Carolina anymore.”