Walmart to limit the number of customers in stores due to COVID-19

BENTONVILLE, Ark. (KNWA/KFTA) — Walmart has begun to limit the number of customers that are allowed in the store to shop.

Starting on Saturday, April 4, all Walmart stores will begin metering the number of people allowed inside the store.

Customers will be admitted one by one at a single entrance, typically on the grocery side at supercenters. Associates will allow five customers inside per 1,000 square feet of store space, which is about 20% of a store’s usual capacity. 

Once that capacity has been reached, customers will be asked to stand in lines outside of the store at a distance of six feet apart.

Many stores have already marked the sidewalks with signage. As one customer exits the store, associates will allow one more customer inside.

Stores will also begin selling only essential items.

All aisles will be marked as one-way to limit contact between customers.

To read the entire press release, click here.