KHULNA, Bangladesh (KRON) – What a surprise! 

Just one month after giving birth a baby boy, a woman was rushed to the hospital to deliver two more babies after doctors discovered the woman had two uteruses and was pregnant in both at the same time. 

The doctor of 20-year-old Arifa Sultana told the BBC she gave birth to her first baby in February, and 26 days later returned to the ER after suffering from stomach pains. 

It was then confirmed via ultrasound that she was pregnant with twins. 

“I have never observed something like this before,” Dr. Sheila Poddar, the doctor who performed the c-section, told BBC. 

Sultana told the publication she did not know she was carrying the twins and that due to her and husband’s financial situation, had “never had an ultrasound before” leading up to her first delivery. 

All three of Sultana’s babies are reportedly healthy. 

Though rare, doctors say the condition of having two uteruses — uterus didelphys — is “not as rare as people think.”

“If you go for a scan beforehand it would be very obvious to see two sets of uteruses. But obviously they are from a more rural area [and might not have access to ultrasound scanning],” Dr. Christopher Ng told the BBC.

Dr. Ng added that it’s likely three eggs ovulated and were fertilized at the same time during her fertile period, resulting in three embryos. 

A double uterus is a rare congenital abnormality, according to the Mayo Clinic. It is the result of two small tubes in a uterus each developing into a separate structure instead of joining together to create one organ — the uterus.